Some C/C++ requests

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Some C/C++ requests

Post by mberryman » Mon Jan 01, 2024 6:04 pm

Currently, the clang compiler creates object files with a module name in all uppercase. Please consider changing this to be compatible with the way the Alpha/Integrity compilers work which is to make the module name match the case of the filename. This is rather important to me because I use the same MMS files to build on all 3 architectures and the contents of object libraries are built automatically in MMS as the following example shows:
LIBDBUG_SRCS = $(wildcard [.dbug]*.c)
LIBDBUG_OBJS = $(foreach BASE,$(basename $(LIBDBUG_SRCS)),$(BASE)=$(LIBDBUGOBJDIR)$(BASE).obj )
As things stand now, MMS returns an "action did not update target" error whenever it inserts an object module into a library.

I have not yet found any atomic instructions that clang can use when compiling C code. Perhaps there aren't any?
If so, would you consider adding a switch to the C compiler that would cause it to treat long and size_t as 64-bits? I just need to compile structs that use such declarations so that they come out the same whether in C or C++.

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