The OPENSSH V8.9-1G program is broken in that it will not run commands issued from processes with out a terminal device connected.
A search of the internet reveals other instances of this, so I am not the only one that has seen it.
This is a serious limitation as it prevents many popular cloud management tools from being able to manage VMS systems.
This does not show up in on the VMS 8.4 systems with "VSI AXPVMS TCPIP V5.7-13ECO5F" or on earlier OpenVMS releases.
Code: Select all
ROBIN> type user_root:[jeeves]ssh$cmdrun.log;-2
SSHD$SYS_NET = "_ROBIN$FTA247:0$dir/sec jenkins_root:[jeeves.aviary_robin_1.gnu_awk_current_x86_64_0922]"
SSHD$COMMAND = "dir/sec jenkins_root:[jeeves.aviary_robin_1.gnu_awk_current_x86_64_0922]"
SSHD$X11BIT = 0 Hex = 00000000 Octal = 00000000000
-RMS-E-DNR, device not ready, not mounted, or unavailable
%RMS-E-DNR, device not ready, not mounted, or unavailable
JEEVES job terminated at 4-JAN-2025 04:19:11.05
Accounting information:
Buffered I/O count: 281 Peak working set size: 5568
Direct I/O count: 53 Peak virtual size: 245920
Page faults: 535 Mounted volumes: 0
Charged CPU time: 0 00:00:00.06 Elapsed time: 0 00:00:00.16