Has anyone come across and issue when using telnet to log onto a host results in a several second delay before login is allowed? The delay seems to be around 4 or 5 seconds and other command seem to fall foul of this (tcpip ifconfig -av, tcip sho comm)
Code: Select all
$ write sys$output f$time()
2-AUG-2024 10:02:03.35
$ tcpip sho comm
Communication Parameters
Local host: mcofs2_building Domain: cubic.com
Maximum Current Peak
Proxies 20
Remote Terminal
Large buffers: 0
UCBs: 0
Virtual term: disabled
$ write sys$output f$time()
2-AUG-2024 10:02:16.76
I'm pretty sure I've had the problem before but I can't remember what the solution was.
Added in 32 seconds:
This is 1 node of 2 node cluster. The other node doesn;t show this problem.