I've previously indicated to Steven my preferences - an edit towards the end of ...
https://forum.vmssoftware.com/viewtopic ... cpu#p17837
My reasoning; posting in a code block pushes the 'effort' out to the reader.
The code block needs to be parsed, sometimes very carefully considering it is based on empty lines, with '>' indicating quoted portions along with plain text (lead line indented) intermingled.
Using even elementary forum formatting, (implicit) paragraphing, quoted portions ["] and explicit code blocks [</>] (where white space may be very relevant) immediately makes the roles of each much clearer to the reader. Or at least to me. Call me lazy.
Steven's formatting is brilliant for VAX Notes or USENET News.
Code: Select all
> Would you mind to stop responding to every post in a CODE block? It
> makes your replies really hard to read (on mobile). [...]
Yes, I would mind. As I've said before:
If the forum software didn't play with my (carefully arranged) white
space, then I wouldn't call everything "code".
> [...] I'm an old school desktop person.
I got accustomed to 80-column cards when I was in college, and
80-column terminals (VT100, at al.) after that. Fifty-odd years later,
I find it difficult to care much about accommodating devices with less
capability than that. Call me stodgy.
The world has moved on - like it or not (I'm 70+ and a bit of a Luddite) - and the VSI forum is implemented with (not-so-) new technologies. This post was put together using white-space, ["], [</>] and [8] (link). I think it would be easier to get the drift of than if:
Code: Select all
I've previously indicated to Steven my preferences - an edit towards the end of ...
My reasoning; posting in a code block pushes the 'effort' out to the reader.
The code block needs to be parsed, sometimes very carefully considering it is based on empty lines,
with '>' indicating quoted portions with plain text (lead line indented) intermingled.
Using even elementary forum formatting, (implicit) paragraphing, quoted portions ["] and explicit code blocks [</>]
(where white space may be very relevant) immediately makes the roles of each much clearer to the reader. Or at
least to me. Call me lazy.
Steven's formatting is brilliant for VAX Notes, or even USENET News.
> Would you mind to stop responding to every post in a CODE block? It
> makes your replies really hard to read (on mobile). [...]
Yes, I would mind. As I've said before:
If the forum software didn't play with my (carefully arranged) white
space, then I wouldn't call everything "code".
> [...] I'm an old school desktop person.
I got accustomed to 80-column cards when I was in college, and
80-column terminals (VT100, at al.) after that. Fifty-odd years later,
I find it difficult to care much about accommodating devices with less
capability than that. Call me stodgy.
The world has moved on - like it or not (I'm 70+ and a bit of a Luddite) - and the VSI forum is implemented with
(not-so-)new technologies. This post was put together using white-space, ["], [</>] and [8] (link). I think it
would be easier to get the drift of than if: {snip recursion here...}
(and this is just a short post to boot) while the mailbox slot of a code block doesn't help at all -
but does constrain the on-screen real-estate of individual posts.
And we'd all be the (VMS) poorer without much of Steven's input.
(and this is just a short post to boot) while the mailbox slot of a code block doesn't help at all - but does constrain the on-screen real-estate of individual posts.
And we'd all be the (VMS) poorer without much of Steven's input.