VSI PASCAL 6.3-143 files missing files on kit installation

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VSI PASCAL 6.3-143 files missing files on kit installation

Post by nortonti » Sat Jan 27, 2024 4:15 pm


I'm trying to install VSI Pascal Compiler V6.3-143 and received error message during installation (see attached image).

The file PASCAL063.C is empty and it´s not a valid saveset backup file.

I execute "backup/list pascal063.c/save" command and I can not to see any files inside of saveset neither the stamp of backup command executed for create the saveset.

The others saveset PASCAL063.A, PASCAL063.B and PASCAL063.D from kit downloaded from VSI are right and I can to see the files inside of each saveset using "backup/list savesetname/save" command.

Thank you.
José Norton A. Oliveira
Norton Tecnologia da Informação - IT Services Brazil

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Re: VSI PASCAL 6.3-143 files missing files on kit installation

Post by sms » Tue Jan 30, 2024 6:23 pm

Code: Select all

> Maybe some text on download page [...]

   And/or, in the release notes.  And/or the installation instructions. 
And/or the zip archive comment text.  (Better late than never?)

      This zip-compressed product kit includes BACKUP save
      sets.  To avoid corrupting the file attributes of
      those files, the kit must be unzipped on a VMS system.
      Otherwise the installation may fail.

equivalent) might not hurt much, either.

   Any of which might be easier than really fixing BACKUP.  (The
existence of /REPAIR suggests that a proper fix is either hard or
dangerous (or both).)

   On the bright side, PCSI (PRODUCT) doesn't seem to care as much as

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