NFS Directory Creations Issue

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NFS Directory Creations Issue

Post by ksledge » Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:14 am

I don't know if this is the correct forum for this or not, so I apologize if it should be somewhere else.

I'm running v8.4 on Itanium (rx2800 i2) with TPC/IP version 5.7-eco2.

I'm using NFS to connect to a Windows NFS share that we have established for other Linux systems to push data into. I can mount the share in VMS, can create files, edit files, etc.

However, when I try to create a directory, I get:

Code: Select all

%CREATE-E-DIRNOTCRE, [.TEST] directory file not created
-SYSTEM-F-NOPRIV, insufficient privilege or object protection violation
The strange part, the directory is actually created. The even stranger part, when I step into that directory, I see the contents of the parent directory, not the new directory. I can go to Windows and the directory is there, can browse it just like any other. It just does not work properly in VMS. To add to this confusion, if I create a directory in Windows, it works perfectly fine inside VMS. The issue is just with creating a directory in the share from inside VMS.

I've included a screenshot of :
1. showing the directory contents of the mounted NFS share
2. creating a test directory
3. stepping into the directory
4. showing that directory
5. repeatedly stepping into the test directory.
Additionally, I've added 2 screen shots for more details. "Test" was created from inside VMS. "TEST2" was created on the Windows server inside the NFS Shared folder, as well as a "Dir /full" to show they appear to be identical in their attributes. Both directories are empty.

Has anyone here had this similar problem?

Thanks in advance.
Last edited by ksledge on Fri Aug 18, 2023 9:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: NFS Directory Creations Issue

Post by babydr » Sat Aug 19, 2023 7:20 pm

Hello ksledge , Did you happen to notice that the test.dir;1 & test2.dir;1 in fact do not appear to be identical in all the records your screen print shows .

As test.dir;1 has ...
Backup: 18-AUG-2023 08:19:48.36

And test2.dir;1 has no data in the Backup: field .
But does have ...
Revised: 18-AUG-2023 08:19:48.36

Which is the same as the backup date .

Not sure if this would have any bearing on the error you are recieving ...

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Re: NFS Directory Creations Issue

Post by ksledge » Mon Aug 21, 2023 8:01 am

Actually, both were created just a few minutes apart as I took screen shots. Both directories are empty, but I have no idea why those dates are different. I do find it odd that Test2 was created second, but shows an earlier created date. I can only assume that is due to the windows server's time being earlier than the VMS box.

I know we are a few revisions behind on 8.4. Could this be something that was addressed in later versions of the TCP/IP Services?
Last edited by ksledge on Mon Aug 21, 2023 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: NFS Directory Creations Issue

Post by babydr » Mon Aug 21, 2023 7:05 pm

@ksledge , Iirc , Time sync between NFS server & clients are(or were) critical . I'd get the client (OpenVMS I assume) time synchronized with the Windows box , say using ntp .
I am not the one to comment on any needed eco/updates that are critical in OpenVMS . Maybe one day ;-) .

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Re: NFS Directory Creations Issue

Post by ksledge » Wed Aug 23, 2023 2:35 pm

Checked the time sync, did not solve the issue.

I'm starting to think it's an issue with the TCPIP Services. I tried to mount a Linux based NFS Share, and got other errors with creating the directories.
I think our best course of action is to see about upgrading.

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Re: NFS Directory Creations Issue

Post by imiller » Thu Aug 24, 2023 3:58 am

There were new NFS Features in V5.7 ECO4

Network File System Server - Identifier based access

This feature is broadly focused to support group access for
files owned by the resource identifier. In group access, files
owned by a resource identifier can be accessed by the group
members having same GID value of that identifier. The group
protection code associated with that file is used for protection
checking for group access to that file.
2.2 Network File System Server - Read_only Exports Feature

This feature enables the NFS server to export a directory as
Read-Only. The "Read_Only" option of "TCPIP EXPORT" command
exports the specified map point in "Read-Only" mode regardless
of the access available to a user via proxy. This feature can
be used to protect shares from any changes by the user as the
WRITE access is blocked.
Ian Miller
[ personal opinion only. usual disclaimers apply. Do not taunt happy fun ball ].

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