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HGFTP is now available for X86_64 (and VAX, Alpha, and I64)

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2023 9:45 am
by goathunter
I have released HGFTP V3.3-1 that will run on X86_64, in addition to VAX, Alpha, and I64.

HGFTP is an FTP client and server that runs with any TCP/IP stack and has full anonymous FTP support. A lot of what it offers is available now in other clients and servers, but when it was introduced in the early '90s, it provided STRU O VMS support and a lot of other features that UCX, in particular, didn't have.

If you're not already running HGFTP, I'm not sure there's a compelling case for deploying it these days, since FTP is largely falling out of favor (and since HGFTP does not (yet?) support FTP over TLS). But there were lots of sites depending on those features, so I assume I'm not the only one interested in having it on X86_64.

The X86_64 version was compiled using the BLISS cross-compiler. I actually ran into a problem with some built-in functions, but I finally wrote some code to replace those.

You can download HGFTP V3.3-1 from the Process Software freeware archive:

HGFTP V3.3-1 @ Process Software Freeware Archive

I supply VMSINSTAL kits. The current sources are included in the .F saveset, but the installation procedure asks if you want to install the sources, too.

These kits will install and run on VAX V5.5-2 or higher, Alpha V6.2 or higher, I64 V8.2 or higher, and X86_64 V9.2-1.

I've also released a few more freeware packages for X86_64, including FREE and HGLOGIN. I hope to add more in the coming months.

Search the FILESERV for packages that run on x86_64

There are currently 23 packages that now run on X86_64, including a CVS client, HGSD, FLIST, VERB, and more.