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I accept that none of this is supported, but I'd be interested in any
clever ideas.
I recently tried to boot a V9.2-3 installation DVD on a Dell 5820
workstation. The result seems to be a scrambled Boot Manager display.
Keyboard activity has an effect, but it's all illegible.
I then tried to connect a serial terminal (emulator) to the serial
port on the Dell system (which Windows calls "COM 1"), which also
displays line-noise, at best. But blindly-typed activity on the
directly-connected USB keyboard does seem to generate more line-noise on
the serial port (as well as more scrambled graphics noise).
According to "VSI OpenVMS x86-64 Boot Manager User Guide" (Operating
System and Version: VSI OpenVMS x86-64 V9.2-2):
The Boot Manager and UEFI use 115200 baud, 8 bit, 1 stop bit, no
parity. It will auto-negotiage [sic] other baud rates.
Sadly, my easiest-to-use "terminal" serial port is on a DECserver
DS90M terminal server (SET HOST /LAT on an IA64 system), which does not
go that fast. HELP SET PORT SPEED on the DS90M says:
Possible speed values:
75, 110, 134, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2000, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200.
Default: 9600.
but that's less than true:
Local> set port 3 speed 115200
Local -703- Value invalid or out of range, "115200"
I've seen no evidence of any "auto-negotiage" behavior for a wide
variety of (valid) serial port speeds.
So, while I investigate how to arrange a connection to a faster
serial "terminal", if anyone knows of any Boot Manager command(s) (which
I could type blindly into the guest console) to change either the
graphical display or serial port characteristics, I'd be interested.
Presumably, something else will fail if I can get a functional
console, and try BOOT, but I'd like to get that far before giving up.