lib$establish() implemented in C++ x86

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lib$establish() implemented in C++ x86

Post by renek » Mon May 13, 2024 7:22 am

In the release notes of the x86 C++ compiler it says: The builtin function lib$establish() is not implemented in clang.
Will it be implemented in the future? And if so when approximately? And if not, is the alternative try/catch?

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Re: lib$establish() implemented in C++ x86

Post by jreagan » Thu May 16, 2024 10:45 am

It is still on our list. As for scheduling, we are moving to the model where the RTLs ship with the OS and not on the compiler kit (just like every other language). So that puts the RTL on a different release cycle than the compilers.

How important is this for you?

try/catch can be made to work, but you don't get the same ability to look at the sigarray/mecharray as you do in a traditional OpenVMS handler.

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