Missing kit for VMSI18N layered product?

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Missing kit for VMSI18N layered product?

Post by alexwong » Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:28 am

The X86VMS-OPENJDK80-V0800-372C-1-RNOTES.PDF states "The OpenVMS internationalization data kit (VMSI18N) must be installed in order to use the Java debugger, jdb". However, the layered product page https://vmssoftware.com/products/i18n/ does not show any downloadable files. PROD SHOW PROD does not show any VMSI18N installed. Any advice on where I can download this kit?

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Re: Missing kit for VMSI18N layered product?

Post by m_detommaso » Tue Apr 23, 2024 9:10 am

The VSI-X86VMS-VMSI18N-V0902--1.ZIP kit is available for download on "VSI Service Platform" at https://sp.vmssoftware.com. You must have a valid service contract with VSI to get login credential.

You should contact VSI sales team at sales@vmssoftware.com for more information.


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Re: Missing kit for VMSI18N layered product?

Post by alexwong » Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:41 am

Thanks Maurizio. I don't have a service contract so I'll give the I8N package a miss. I've installed OPENJDK80 and jdb does not work as expected but that's ok, I can debug it on a Linux platform if necessary.

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