Memory Disk rebuild stuck?

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Memory Disk rebuild stuck?

Post by cct » Mon Feb 26, 2024 8:09 am

I have just updated to VSI X86VMS TCPIP V6.0-24 on VMS 9.2-2.

All went well, but the memory disk rebuild seems to be stuck in a loop

Sub process information after an hour:

Code: Select all

$ sh proc/id=43E/all

26-FEB-2024 12:59:36.41   User: TOWNLEYC         Process ID:   0000043E
                          Node: VMS1             Process name: "PCSI$0435_N0002"

User Identifier:    [CCT,TOWNLEYC]
Base priority:      4
Default file spec:  Not available
Number of Kthreads: 1 (System-wide limit: 2)

Devices allocated:  VMS1$LDM4652:

Process Quotas:
 Account name: CCT
 CPU limit:                      Infinite  Direct I/O limit:       150
 Buffered I/O byte count quota:    120640  Buffered I/O limit:     148
 Timer queue entry quota:              99  Open file quota:        123
 Paging file quota:                455120  Subprocess quota:         9
 Default page fault cluster:           64  AST quota:              293
 Enqueue quota:                      4000  Shared file limit:        0
 Max detached processes:                0  Max active jobs:          0

Accounting information:
 Buffered I/O count:   3348532  Peak working set size:       8864
 Direct I/O count:    13535205  Peak virtual size:         226496
 Page faults:          9558452  Mounted volumes:                0
 Images activated:      213724
 Elapsed CPU time:          0 00:22:12.42
 Connect time:              0 01:02:40.90

Authorized privileges:
 BYPASS       CMKRNL       NETMBX       OPER         SECURITY     SYSLCK

Process privileges:
 BYPASS               may bypass all object access controls
 CMKRNL               may change mode to kernel
 NETMBX               may create network device
 OPER                 may perform operator functions
 SECURITY             may perform security administration functions
 SYSLCK               may lock system wide resources
 SYSPRV               may access objects via system protection
 TMPMBX               may create temporary mailbox
 WORLD                may affect other processes in the world

Process rights:
 TOWNLEYC                          resource

System rights:

Auto-unshelve: on

Image Dump: off

Soft CPU Affinity: off

Parse Style: Traditional

Case Lookup: Blind

Symlink search mode: No wildcard

Units: Blocks

Token Size: Traditional

Home RAD: 0

Scheduling class name: none

There are 2 processes in this job:

    PCSI$0435_N0002 (*)
Not sure what I can do. Can I kill it and manually rerun SYS$UPDATE:SYS$MD.COM


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Re: Memory Disk rebuild stuck?

Post by dgordon » Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:24 am

You can kill it, but you should be careful that the installation doesn't continue with a reboot until you can verify that you don't have a half-formed memory disk file as the highest version. (That shouldn't happen, but SYS$MD.COM shouldn't get into a loop either.) If the produce installation aborts (or offers to abort and you agree which I think is the safest path forward) then you'll need to re-run the product installation again. I might try ANALYZE/DISK/REPAIR beforehand though.

What hypervisor and version?
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Re: Memory Disk rebuild stuck?

Post by cct » Mon Feb 26, 2024 9:41 am

Emulator is QEMU 1:6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6.17 running on Ubunutu 22.04 LTS

Could it have beeen caused by running my user, rather than system - it has SETPRV


Added in 1 hour 10 minutes 10 seconds:
Well that sort of worked.
Interupting the install gave me the prompt, but just continmued - show process/contin just show te same. So I interupted again, said NO (twice) and it exited.
Reran the PROD INSTALL from SYSTEM on the console - all seems OK after the reboot


Added in 4 hours 43 minutes 30 seconds:
Not sure what happened there - I clicked on reply, but it added my text as an edit. Weird!


Added in 8 minutes 48 seconds:
Not sure what happened there - I clicked on reply, but it added my text as an edit. Weird!


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Re: Memory Disk rebuild stuck?

Post by roberbrooks » Mon Feb 26, 2024 11:26 pm

> Could it have beeen caused by running my user, rather than system - it has SETPRV

What privs were elevated at the time you invoked the memory disk rebuild?

In general, it shouldn't make a difference what account it's run from, as long as the
account has appropriate privs elevated then.

Ideally, you'd get a reasonable error message if it gets a protection violation.

I pretty much haven't used the SYSTEM account for installation of anything in over 30 years, but
the account I do use is a clone of the SYSTEM account.
-- Rob

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Re: Memory Disk rebuild stuck?

Post by cct » Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:59 am

My account has basic prics, plus SETPRV
Normally any systerm routine tries to get appropriate privs, or checks if they are there, and I have never before had a problem - except I cannot shutdown using SYMAN!

I did check while ot was looping and it had a few more privs:

Code: Select all

Process privileges:
 BYPASS               may bypass all object access controls
 CMKRNL               may change mode to kernel
 NETMBX               may create network device
 OPER                 may perform operator functions
 SECURITY             may perform security administration functions
 SYSLCK               may lock system wide resources
 SYSPRV               may access objects via system protection
 TMPMBX               may create temporary mailbox
 WORLD                may affect other processes in the world

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